Xinjiang to hit button for textile jobs boost
新闻类型:National 新闻来源:ChinaDaily 更新时间:2014-5-29 10:41:17 Expansion plan envisages work for 1 million employees by 2020, reports Cui Jia in Aksu.
Cui Jia
Tajigul Arken was taking three new recruits on a tour of a textile factory on the outskirts of Aksu, a city in the south of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
As she entered the plant, she raised her voice to be heard above the din. Speaking in the Uygur language, the 27-year-old patiently explained the functions of the machines to the curious newcomers, three women from different villages in Aksu prefecture.
More than 95 percent of the workers on the factory's production…………………… 对不起!您没有本新闻完全阅读权限,本新闻的阅读最低要求为:需要登录提示: 建议您注册,可以在登录时勾选【下次自动登录】,这样您就不必每次都登录。 一级账户升至二级用户:需要登录次数超过10次。 二级用户升至三级用户:需要距离注册时间超过3天。 三级用户升至四级用户:需要对新闻评论超过5条。
评论(显示前六条) 文冰纪:2014-5-29 10:54:45: 照片拍得不好……